Jumat, 11 November 2011

Bakrie Life Offers Promises to Its Deceived Customers

Asuransi Jiwa Bakrie, controlled by the family of
controversial  businessman and politician Aburizal Bakrie,
 said on Friday that investors waiting for repayment
 of misused investment funds would have to wait indefinitely.
 (Bloomberg Photo)
JakartaGlobe. After failing to meet an earlier deadline, insurance company Asuransi Jiwa Bakrie told its frustrated former clients on Friday that their long wait for repayment of misused investment funds would continue indefinitely.

A nine-hour meeting between company representatives and customers failed to yield any sort of concrete offers by the company. “In the meeting the customers urged Bakrie Life to fulfill their promise and pay the installment they missed, because for most of the customers the money is used for everyday living,” said Yoseph, one of the clients who attended.

Timoer Sutanto, president director of the company, also known as Bakrie Life, said during a break in the meeting that the insurer was simply unable to raise the money needed to pay its former customers.

“We told them to be patient because currently we do not have the funds to pay them,” he said. “Our majority shareholder, Bakrie Capital Indonesia, has not been able to inject any money because they have had difficulties raising funds. This is not like finding money for [investment] projects, which banks love to fund.”

Timoer said Bakrie Life, controlled by the family of Aburizal Bakrie, one of Indonesia’s richest and most powerful men, was still committed to repaying its former investors. “We are still committed but we ask the customers to be patient. It will take time,” he said.

The customers have been waiting for nearly two years. Bakrie Life still owes up to Rp 290 billion ($32 million) to its customers who invested in its Diamond Investa product, Timoer said.

Bakrie Life created the product in 2005. According to the prospectus, 90 percent of investors’ money would be invested in bonds, and it promised returns of up to 13 percent annually. After the stock market crash of late 2008, Bakrie Life suspended interest payments and refused to return the initial investments to the customers, about 600 in total. It was later revealed that 80 percent of the money was in equities, about half of which was in Bakrie Group stocks.

In October 2009, Timoer said Bakrie Life would repay the investors in stages, with all of the money being paid by January 2012. Bakrie Life made one payment to some customers in March, but failed to make a scheduled remittance by the end of June.

Yoseph said the customers on Friday asked Bakrie Life to deposit some form of collateral with them, whether stocks, bonds or real estate.

Meanwhile, the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) told the Jakarta Globe last week that the Bakrie Life clients were on their own.

“The customers must deal directly with the company because it is now a civil case. They can hire lawyers and go to court. We have done our part by intermediating between them,” said Fuad Rahmany, head of the regulator.

“What else should we do? Should Bapepam give back their money?” he said. “It’s ridiculous. You were tricked by this company and now Bapepam has to pay for it?” , http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/business/bakrie-life-offers-promises-to-its-deceived-customers/394484

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Puluhan Nasabah Tuntut Bakrie Life Kembalikan Dana

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Puluhan nasabah Bakrie Life asal Bandung, Jawa Barat, berunjuk rasa ke Gedung Bapepam-Kementerian Keuangan Jakarta, Kamis (10/11). Mereka menuntut pengembalian dana sebesar Rp360 miliar.

Dalam aksi itu, massa yang mengatas-namakan Tim Penyelamat Bakrie Life membawa spanduk berisi kecaman terhadap pemilik Bakrie Grup, Aburizal Bakrie. Mereka kecewa karena Bakrie Grup abai memenuhi janji untuk membayar dana nasabah. Mereka menuntut Bapepam-LK turun tangan dan membantu pengembalian dana nasabah.

Nasabah Bakrie Life berinvestasi di Bakrie Life tiga tahun lalu. Namun ketika jatuh tempo pembayaran, Bakrie Life tidak membayarkan dana mereka.(DSY)

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Nasabah Bakrie Life Tuntut Pengembalian Dana

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Puluhan nasabah Bakrie Life berunjuk rasa di depan Gedung Wisma Bakrie II, menuntut pengembalian dana mereka sebesar Rp360 miliar.

Para pengunjuk rasa juga menggelar berbagai spanduk dan poster, yang berisi kecaman terhadap pemilik Bakrie Groups, Abu Rizal Bakrie. Mereka dan 200 nasabah lainnya menuntut agar Bakrie Life segera mengembalikan dana.

Para pengunjuk rasa menyayangkan sikap Ketua Umum Partai Golkar tersebut yang dinilai menelantarkan nasabahnya, 1/11/2011

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Nasabah Bakrie Unjukrasa di Depan Wisma Bakrie 2

Tribunnews, JAKARTA - Ratusan Nasabah Bakrie Life berunjuk rasa di depan kantor Wisma Bakrie 2, Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (1/11/2011). Para pengunjuk rasa menuntut pengembalian dana mereka sebesar Rp 360 Miliar yang belum dibayarkan oleh Bakrie Life.

"Bakrie harus memenuhi tanggung jawabnya , terlalu lama dana kami tidak dikembalikan oleh Bakrie sekitar Rp 360 Miliar," ujar Kordinator Nasabah Bakrie Life, Freddy Koesheriawan saat ditanya wartawan disela aksi unjuk rasa.

Lebih lanjut Heri mengatakan, jika Bakri tidak mau membayarkan hak Nasabah, para pengunjuk rasa akan terus melaporkan kasus ini ke DPR RI dan KPK.

"Kalau masih saja Aburizal Bakrie tidak mau mebayar hak nasabah. Kami akan demo secara maraton. Bila perlu kami akan terus mendesak dan melaporkan kasus ini ke DPR RI dan KPK," kata Heri.

Sementara dari pantauan Tribunnews.com di lokasi unjuk rasa, telah terjadi kericuhan yang mengakibatkan seorang pengunjuk rasa mengalami cidera di bagian kepala oleh seorang penjaga keamanan Wisma Bakrie-2.

Hal senada juga diakui oleh Heri, bahwa seorang pengunjuk rasa bernama Rijal mengalami cidera di kepala karena bentrokan tersebut.

"Korban namanya Rizal. Dia juga seorang nasabah seperti kami. Rizal cedera dibagian kepala. Waktu kami unjuk rasa tidak tahu kenapa keamanan gedung ini (Wisma Bakrie-2) langsung represif, seakan mau membubarkan kami. Kami tidak mau, tetapi mereka jutru memukul," ujar Heri menerangkan.

Kendati demikian, saat ini Rizal telah dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat, untuk dilakukan penanganan medis dan melakukan Visum.

Dari kejadian ini, Heri mengungkapkan akan melaporkan kejadian ini ke Polsek Setia Budi, Jakrta Selatan. "Hasil visum pemukulan tadi, kami akan laporkan ke pihak kepolisian di Polsek Setia Budi," imbuhnya